Whole school

VE Day Lesson for KS3
A lesson and presentation pack.
The PowerPoint presentation contains 18 slides.
There are a selection of accompanying worksheets
Churchill’s speech
European Map Activity
Imagine activity
Brainstorming activity
Timeline activity
Union Jack Activity
These resources can be completed in class, or conceivably be sent electronically and completed at home.

Responsibility bundle
There is so much here it is difficult to list!
All the great resources from Responsibility PSHE, backed up with posters and discussion tasks.
Such great value - this is the one to get!

New Friendship games for KS2
A set of new friendship games.
Ideal for the start of term, or whenever you are forming new groups.

Healthy eating free word search
Looking for a quick activity to do? Use this!
Remember to follow StudeApps on Twitter or through tes for more free resources!

Note taking "how to" for sixth form students
A note taking presentation for sixth-form students.
Study based, and includes a video link for students to watch.

Healthy Eating lesson pack- PSHE and Food - with no planning!
Help your students learn about Healty Eating!
But let us take the planning out of it for you.
A series of worksheets and exercises for your classes. Aimed at Key Stage 3 but can easily be adapted for other levels.
Interactive activities, discussions, worksheets and more all stunningly presented and ready to go with no effort required from you!
Sugar, health, brain, hunger, elasticity, immune, resources, glucose, structure, excess, depression.

Assembly Mega Pack
An AMAZING set of assembly and lesson resources in the form of this great no-prep pack.
Offers an incredible amount of value.
16 individual resources, ready to go!

iPhone X Higher Lower game
Created for Business Studies but also suitable as a game for tutor groups, Economics and citizenship.
How much do things cost in the real world?
Play this higher - lower game with the prices of the iPhone X and more.

iPhone presentation and lesson resources
Today the iPhone 11 has been launched by Apple at an event in California.
But what do our students think of the pressure that comes with needing to have a new phone each and every year? What are the ethics around purchasing a new phone? What about the way that you are tempted to make inapp purchases on your phone?
This resource is designed to help you!
A series of great resources around the iPhone.
Presentations: iPhoneHistory
Can be used in
Computing / ICT
Tutor time

Positive Thinking and Growth Mindset Assembly
Designed for KS3 but easily modified to deliver to KS2 or KS4.
Positive thinking is important for our students. This assembly does not come with a script, but is 15 slides that are fairly self-explanatory and you can change or add to as you see fit according to your own style.
This assembly helps you to help the students think about their attitudes and thinking.

Respect snakes and ladders game
A game based around snakes and ladders.
The perfect accompaniment to the respect assembly and worksheets by StudeApps.
Simply use the respect scenario cards, print out the snakes and ladders game and you are ready to go!

Respect Bundle and Assembly resource
A full bundle for a lesson +
** Includes:**
Assembly resource
A huge number of worksheets

A teacher's guide to fidget spinners
A teacher guide for fidget spinners. Gives reasons why they may be banned in some schools, and the counter arguments for doing so.

Fidget spinners lesson / Assembly
What are fidget spinners? Why might they be banned in schools? What evidence is there that fidget spinners work?
This resource can be used as part of an assembly or tutor time. No script is provided as each slide makes a single point, and teachers can move or delete slides as necessary.

The Duke of Edinburgh KS2 Lesson / Assembly Presentation
A presentation about the Duke of Edinburgh, with 30 slides that could be used for an assembly or a tutor time / information session.